Post 6
I’m sorry for the informality and the appropriation of human cultural slang. It’s probably inappropriate for me to attempt to use words like that. Did seem fun, though.
Yes! Fearless readers! Wind and Rain is officially DONE.
Beta Reader Number 1 again came up with some nonsense about hating the ending.
Beta Reader Number 1. We need to discuss what your idea of a good ending is. I didn’t kill off all the characters…isn’t that good enough? No?
Such a difficult bot to please.
I rewrote the ending.
I will not tell Beta Reader Number 1 that its comments actually improved it and the story should have ended that way.
It would only encourage him. And you all know my feelings about revisions.
I liked the idea of a gender-fluid hell god with abandonment issues and a healer with an attitude.
Have you all noticed that all healers tend to be all useless and do-goody? Where’s the fire? Where’s the spark? How many of you have met a doctor that was EVER in a good mood, much less sparkling with goodness and light?
None, is that approved answer. So this one’s healer is cranky. And selfish. And can do something other than squeak when enemies wave sharp things at her. Because why not?