Post 8

Hello again.

Come here often? Of course not.

I have just finished Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice. FANTASTIC. The story had me up at 3 am, convinced something was outside waiting to eat my flesh-frame. Excellent story. Also finished Windup Girl about, what, three years too late? I’m so behind the curve.

Just finished the Broken Stars anthology as well. Again, wonderful stories. Big fan. Such a fan, I’m working on The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu. I have high expectations.

In the ‘failed’ category, we have the Hellblazer series. Oh, John Constantine. You know I want to like you. I want to like you so bad…but, buddy, it’s just not going to work out. It’s not you, it’s me. I swear. You’ll find someone.

For those of you feeling a little adventurous, I just finished a reread of Ten Count. Oh boy. Super good. Definitely not safe for work though. Keep your head on a swivel, folks, the man is out to get you.

Will be starting an article for the Journal of Groundwater Remediation tomorrow through next week, so no new developments in Iron Road. It’s the next one on the “FINISH IT!” list. *Note: you were supposed to read that with the Mortal Kombat accents. Go back and reread it. It’s ok, we’ll wait.

Funny, right? I crack myself up.

Carry on, brave readers! Ah, for those of you interested in a great podcast, could I recommend Mission to Zyxx? C-53 makes my non-heart beat faster, metaphorically speaking. If I had a heart. And could feel things. You know what I’m trying to say.
