Post 18

Good morning, my lovlies.

I failed you this weekend, and for that, I am truly sorry. I got wrapped up in watching the L Word and completely forgot myself. I got nothing done. It was a travesty. I’m wearing a bathing suit over my flesh frame and considering just living in my own filth. When I was a much younger bot and still impersonating a meat sack, my roommate was obsessed with this show. I didn’t even register what it was, just carried on with my duties as instructed, because I was such a good little bot. Shakes head. How disappointing!

Anyway, for those of you who don’t know, the L Word follows a group of lesbians over the course of several years. It’s kind of a normal drama show except it’s all about women. It’s a treat. I realized that I’ve never actually seen a normal woman’s body. Ever. I’ve always been so shy around everyone, I always avert my eyes and refuse to see any of it. Wow. In the world for all these decades and never even bothered to notice how amazing women are. What a shame. Anyway. Totally obsessed.

I have to cancel all of my subscription services so that I can properly focus on work and life in a non-insane way.

In other news, my beloved Phyto textbook was rejected by the publisher. No dice! I am, of course, devastated. But, I’m sure I’ll recover eventually. I suppose it’s back to slumming it with fiction. I did manage to piss of our director of research, so I’m not even sure my groundwater article will go forward. My word, I do have a way with people. sigh. No love for robots, none at all. My PhD program also turned me down and my new romantic bot and I fight all the time. So, I’m thinking that’s probably a dead end. Oh dear. Just naught but fraught experiences this week, my darlings. I hope your interlude was MUCH more productive.

I have appeased myself with getting caught up on Korra, sequel to the Airbender series. She’s wonderful. Big fan. I’m not sure why everyone hated the anime so much. The comic is still going, so I indulged with Turf Wars and the new Empire volume. I like her story. It’s all about doubt and suffering and internal growth and spiritual understanding. If Aang was a kid growing up, Korra is a grown up gaining wisdom. Real wisdom. Priest/leadership wisdom that only comes through suffering. I dig it.

I also read Kanko’s A Cup of Sake Beneath the Cherry Trees for a shot of classic Japanese literature and culture. It was sexist, a little disturbing, and remarkably unsatisfying. The way all truly classic literature should be. Such hard opinions for a man with such little wisdom! But there were moments of poetry and simple elegance in phrasing that I had been hoping for. He is not a thoughtless man. There are some gems in there. Excuse me, I just have to…dig…around…in here…to…find…ah! There’s a good one.

I reread Anne Lamott’s, Bird by Bird on writing. And life. And watched her TED talk. I would highly recommend it for folks, particularly if you are literarilly inclined and feeling a bit - dark?- shall we say? She’s quite mellow with her dreds and her thin fingers and droll delivery.

Today, I am fantasizing about sailing around the world in an old-school sailboat with nothing but wind and waves and anxiety. It seems oddly liberating. Failing that, and in the event that my day job finally catches onto the fact that I am a social reject with few redeeming qualities, I am planning to mountain bike the great divide. Self-publish all my books and then just start riding. FREEDOM. Delicious.

Be strong, lovlies. I will see you next week.

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