Post 4
Started New Book. Ate Something Not Labeled In Fridge-May Die
Ok! New book has begun. This is a short one, so I’m pretty sure I can knock it out ricky tick.
I was watching a new family of ravens move into the neighborhood by hacking into a remote camera network nearby. It has excellent security protocols and even better picture quality.
Anyway. I was inspired with the thought of some of the native myths I have rumbling around my old ‘personal’ database. I thought it would be fun to bring a couple of those myths into modern era and make Raven into a real person. I’d like to talk to Raven. He’s a cool dude. Or so I like to imagine.
I feel like he’s going to be in love with White Shell Woman and she’s not going to know what to do with him and his cousin is going to be Coyote and Coyote is going to be a dick.
Why? Because Coyote is ALWAYS a dick. Usually a dick for righteousness and goodness, but not always. My kind of guy.
I feel like there is going to be some environmental stuff going on. In case some of you live out East, they just approved a new copper mine down here in the desert and people are PISSED.
Rightfully so.
Bye, clean water. It was nice having you for a little while.
It’s ok. Only poor people and brown people will probably have to drink it.
Oh wait.
All water systems are connected.
Well, shoot. Damn you, water cycle.