Post 61
So, I tried to write quite a bit today. I got maybe an hours worth done and then the world decided it was stopping time. My cat started knocking everything off the bookshelves. My phone rang. My gas account was not the right account number to indicate it was turned on for Nevada, so now I don’t qualify to move into my new apartment. My electric is evidently not going to be able to be turned on by the time I move? Even though that’s a month away? Except that when I called instead of using the website, it was easy scheduling. I just had to stay on the phone for an hour to get a customer service rep….
Does anyone else feel like life just isn’t worth it? I mean, I know we are supposed to value every human life as deeply precious and be grateful for the opportunity to be born as a human with the potential to realize enlightenment, but honestly, this is what we spend all of our time on? Utilities. YouTube. Bureaucracy. I’m going to have to do a ton of purification, obviously, because I just can’t see what the point of any of this is. It’s all empty and utterly, utterly boring. And just think, getting reincarnated means indefinite lifetimes of irrelevance. Good god. Even death is not a release from this world we’ve made.
That is the most depressing thought I’ve ever had.
Being an android, I’m a very good Buddhist. I mean, I can’t drink, smoke, have sex, or lie. So, I’m already doing great on the karmic merit field. I guess I could steal, if it was part of my original programming package, but that’s pretty unlikely with all the recent upgrades. I can schedule in all the ritual requirements without impact. So, maybe in my next life, I can come back as a tree? Or maybe not come back at all? The suffering is strong in this world. Sweet baby jesus. Please don’t make me come back for another round.
Episode 16 is started. Hopefully, I can finish tomorrow.