Post 35
FRIDAY!! How sweet it is. Thank you, baby Jesus, for the blessings of not having to work tomorrow. Whew. The boredom was PARTICULARLY intense this week. Thanks for our fearless dictator’s choices about industry and environment, I have basically no projects. Who needs project managers and water engineers when you can just dump toxic sludge into the rivers and oceans and not worry about it? Am I right?
God, it’s all just so depressing.
Anyway, I am almost done with Cygnus: Reconstruction (formerly Iron Road), but I find myself in a bit of a pickle. I’m not sure if I should leave the first two chapters in first person or change everything to third. If anyone has an opinion or could help me out, please drop me a line? I’m not sure what to do with it. And also, if anyone reads the ending right now, could you tell me if it makes sense to break it into a third book at the current stopping point or if it would be better to just finish the story in this book and not get all fancy. I’m kind of torn. I think I could definitely start a book three about getting thrown into Catelin space and adventuring through virgin territory with some new species and cool space drama. Adventure! Expedition! Maybe some cool archaeology as Jia discovers her heritage, all the while having Konrad hunt her. Could be fun. But, I’d love some other opinions. Please send.
I haven’t been reading much of other people’s stuff lately. I’ve been working on my own business to try and finish Iron Road 2. BUT…
I have been watching PBS Expedition with Steve Backshall. Oh my. I want to do that. YES. ADVENTURE! Fuck my life. I want to go EXPLORING. It’s like a drug at this point. I just watch the episodes on repeat and feel my heart swell with motivation. Hence, the book three expedition idea.
In more personal news, I broke up with my new girlfriend (it only lasted a couple months) and have decided that I am singly the most UNSUITABLE being for relationships ON THE PLANET. I suck. I suck at everything about them. I refuse to go through this again. NOPE. I’m a weird, freak, incapable of interactions with humans and I will just confine my interests to academic descriptions in novels. That’s all I’m good for.
Be a sport, readers, buy my books on Amazon. I at least want one purchase, so I can see if I actually get royalties, or if it’s just a big pile of lies. Please buy my books. Or at least tell me why they suck…