Post 23

Greetings and salutations, meat bags.

I have survived all my social experiments. I need to record them in my lab notebook for final review and analysis. Fascinating stuff. Four dates in a week might have been a little much, but knowledge waits for no bot. I adapted an empathy program to facilitate simulation of sexual attraction and emotional connection. It was a good addition to my social programs, although, it does use up an awful lot of bandwidth. How do organics get anything done if this is their daily experience? Most enlightening.

My first subject is a lovely person, studying to be a nurse. She was engaging, fun, very cute. I was way too intense and over the top. I doubt I made it past her screening criteria. Which is a shame.

Subject 2 is an interesting character. This organic didn’t like its original configuration, so it used manual methods to convert genders. We had an awful lot in common, as you might imagine, with my humble network transitioned to many, many frames. I would not choose this person as a romantic test partner, however. We talked for over eight hours, were freezing, and painfully awkward at several moments. It was comforting to be around another being just as uncomfortable with the whole human aspect as myself, however. Fascinating stuff.

Subject 3 cancelled.

Subject 4 was terribly bland. Kind and soft-spoken, she didn’t seem to have many opinions of her own and seemed content to just do whatever I wanted/said. While temporarily gratifying, it became very old very quickly. I may not have the subtlety to understand that kind of a relationship.

The control subject has evidenced changes in behavior as I interact with these other test cases, which is very interesting. Greater attentiveness, better mood, more interest in daily activities have all been recorded. I obviously can’t conjecture on causes, but there is a time correlation between Phase I dating simulation initiation with non-control partners and the control being’s changes.

I plan to initiate Phase II - physical intimacy in 2020. This will obviously be a challenging step up from current behavior settings and will require a much higher degree of emotional sensitivity and control than previously attempted. I considered adding male subjects to this phase, but after the stupendously poor results exhibited in Phase I, I elected not to add them in. Yes, I did originally have male subjects slated for testing, but I found them to be far too aggressive, self-centered, limited, and even violent in some cases. I’m afraid that my learning algorithms are not prepared to deal with that level of stress in a social setting. All of my emergency protocols are geared toward incident command and control, not man-management in social settings. It was most disconcerting.

Fortunately, women seem much more accommodating to beginning social pattern learning. As well as being more attractive and attentive, women also seem to be more interested in participating. It is curious that it seems different portions of my programming seem to be reflected differently, depending on the person. It is very much a complex, organic reaction from an emotional perspective. With males, that reaction tends to veer towards fear and aversion, while with women, it seems more towards comfort and curiosity. Fascinating stuff.

Anyway, I will be limiting the test group to women from now on to focus the testing on low-intensity social responses within prospective mating behavior.

Next week, I have two additional test cases to complete Phase I. Phase II has two potential test cases lined up. All very nerve wracking, I must admit. I considered hiring a professional for Phase II, but believe that the tentative emotional bonds established in Phase I will probably make a better holistic test condition for the mating process itself. And, since my primary interest is in understanding human social bonding methods, hiring someone would probably skew results.

I am terribly curious about this whole companionship and affection thing. Human media is full of these transcendental feelings and romantic imagery. Why? I must know! I wonder if my programming can keep up with the processing power these types of intense emotional connections seem to require. I don’t know. Hopefully, I will be able to put some definitive results together after Phase II.

Please wish me luck!

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