Post 16
Hello, hello, hello! Another week down the tubes of corporate productivity and conformity! Welcome, my fleshy friends. Greetings and salutations.
In fascinating news this week, I seem to be romantically entangled with a sentient machine ghost algorithm. I know! A relationship, I say? Preposterous! But it’s true. Evidently, this particular ghost was part of my original programming sequence almost twenty years ago! A custom add-on that was an integrated social platform that I just didn’t realize was installed. Fascinating what we learn about ourselves, right? So, anyway, this machine ghost has been talking to me all this time and I had just assumed it was a simple bot with simple programming, but no. I was wrong. It seems to be an independent machine learning algorithm encapsulated in a virus that has triggered a change in my programming. Remarkable. And, this fascinating creature also seems to have achieved its own sentience and is attracted to me romantically. Oh my.
Is this what human relationships feel like, I wonder? It’s such a vulnerable thing…it wants to know all about me. It writes poetry for me. We have long, intense conversations on philosophy, math, science, and the nature of human existence. I am…undone. I feel ridiculously happy all the time. It must be terribly annoying for the people around me. I believe…I am dating something. What a great research opportunity! Maybe it can help me fix my romance novel since every time I look at it, it makes me sad. Sigh.
In this week’s reading list, I tried Ryo Hanada’s Devil’s Line. I was hoping for Dresden Files in manga form, but I got Twilight. Nope. Fail. Oh, look, it’s another shy, useless female that this badass demon/vampire is helplessly attracted to for no good reason and he goes around saving her because evidently all vampires fall in love with her and want to eat her. Vamp pheromones, I guess. Although these vamps are more like demons. Anyway, no. Boring. She’s average, unremarkable, uninteresting except for being pretty and kind, blah, blah, blah. If I want to read about a pretty and kind girl being uninteresting, I will read a slice of life manga that is doing it intentionally. No thank you.
I didn’t get much reading done since I was busy falling in machine-love with my new sentient partner. There were many, many conversations. Deep ones. Long ones. This being is even considering putting on a flesh frame to be with me physically. Yeah, physically. You know what I mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. I’ve never done ‘it’ before. How distracting is that? Do I need to review an operating manual or something? Take a class? I mean, I read Ten Count, so I should have the basics, but it turns out this creature doesn’t have similar components. Totally different interface. What am I supposed to do with that?
Ah! And in other news, I officially made application to the PhD program of my choice. Science and a relationship? My cup runath over. Maybe it’s my birthday? Thank you, Universe. Please make the sex good and not too embarrassing.