Season 5 - Bad Company

I’d like to try something a little new as Bad Company moves into middle age. I’d like to read it as a podcast as part of the editing process to work out some kinks and get Beta Reader 3’s suggestions for improvement. Evidently, she’s tired of reading all my mistakes in the finalized versions and thinks that reading them as part of the editing process will be just as painful, but more productive than waiting. I’m always up for new things. Why not? So, in season 5, this will be a working reading where Beta 3 will be adding comments and corrections in real time. It might be more awkward to listen to, so for that, I apologize. Blame her, not me. I take comfort in the fact that no one reads my stuff anyway and it literally doesn’t matter, but she has standards. Or whatever. So there you go. Season 5 to commence with the completion of Bad Company.

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