Entry 20 - No. I'm Not High. This is Just How I Talk.
Sutras 1.20 -1.23
If a person makes a decision to be conscious, he/she will naturally ascend toward enlightenment. Something within cues the mind/body to change, a physical click, and it does. Poof. Ascension comes naturally, like height or the length of hair. We are always moving toward that inner glow, that key, that ball of energy - not forcing it, just distracted from it. Thus, it is available to any who learn to pay attention. The want to want understanding automatically puts you on the path to self-realization. If you decide to grasp something with your hand, it is easy as breathing to reach out and take it. Work smarter, with greater compassion and wisdom, not harder. That knowledge cannot be forced. Vehemence (force) gives motivation while devotion gives that deepening relaxation to true understanding (breathing out in asanas). Complete attention to focus will lead to success. The master comes full circle to become the beginning student again with that intuitive understanding that leads out of the physical form boundaries through joy. Be truthful, in practice, in learning, in words, etc. and that truth will help you find that core of inner truth within. Yourself. How do we get so distracted from this? The body can focus with purity and truth, but the mind must recapture what it loses daily. Everything that surrounds you reflects that dichotomy. We see in reality, a reflection of the energy you are putting out. If you superimpose the truth of one thing onto another (through an attachment to that experience), you reject truth and cannot see it. The new beauty or ‘guide’ to lead you into another moment of bliss. Faith, indomitable will, trust. These ideas, and thus the actions that are motivated by intentions linked to them are present everywhere. Drugs can give the users a parallel or simulated experience to understand that depth. Just different. Shallower. Perfect memory, absorbent learning. Cool detachment may be the precedent to ultimate compassion. It removes the individual from the web of stresses and distractions so they may see the powers and patterns of energy touching everything. The power to understand everything. With compassion.
There is a distinction in the intensity of desire for universal truth. Perhaps the more intensely we want it, the farther away we are. 1.23
Place self completely in God which leads to a re-absorption into the beginning energy, the source of universal expression. Surrender, becoming so pure of mind/focus/thought that you become consumed by your inner divinity. Like cosmic sex, it is a redistribution of resources, changing the energy of the universe with your experiences and name to make the world stronger. So much external focus results in a kind of cosmic inbreeding? More souls should be absorbed to balance out disturbances. Release the ego by understanding that honors, achievements, are so important, they are outward expressions of the internal metamorphosis. Opportunities to apply discipline and joy. The desire to create, make, express is a way to distill the self into the true identity that has been yours for many lifetimes done with discipline.
Intention is the drive that can part the waters of conflict or distraction. Ego might be separated into two parts: the hammer-the force that gives strength-blunt and clumsy; the clumsiness leads to an over-consumption. A vacuum. Surrender to God is hard because we don’t want to lose that ego, that sense of self, even though there’s nothing really there.
If you fix it, you’ll screw it up. Talk about duality. Impure beginnings still have purpose that to miss or be untrue to would destroy your very nature.